The Flag of Turkey
The Flag of Turkey


Our school continues to academic education since 2006. Sevim Tekin Anatolian High School has gradually trained students throughout the day from 2012. Our school has 670 students. We have 46 staff, including 3 administrators in our school. Our school has the facilities which can perform comfortably in social and sporting activities of students in terms of physical situation. Although our school is located 10 km away from the city centre, it is a rural area. Student and parent profile is in the middle socio-economic level. Our parent profile is mostly
agricultural and industrial workers. Our teachers participate in in-service training activities outside the school in terms of contributing to their personal and professional development.

Recycling is necessary in order to bring down the damage to the nature because of increasing consumption together with the ever increasing human population. With recycling it is possible to use natural resources which are consumed at an ever increasing rate, for a longer time. We can recycle waste that can be re-evaluated to obtain new products without consuming our natural resources. Thus, we can spend our resources consciously. And we can also protect the Earth and leave a living environment for future generations. All people, but especially young people, need to have this awareness so that the recycling can spread to all people. We can reach out to families by increasing the awareness of our students about recycling, and we can spread this awareness to many people through our students. The main idea of our project emerged here. This project, which will be run with partner schools from Europe, will also benefit from contributing to European Citizenship awareness, raising awareness of foreign languages and cultures, laying the groundwork for good practice sharing, and developing the ability to cooperate with different cultures. In these respects, it is very important for our organization to carry out the project "Save The Future Not Only Today".

Our key persons took part in 3 projects so they can contribute to this project from their experiences. Recycle: Protection All Around Held within Tübitak Science Fair in 2016; "Give a Hand to Recycle For Kids" ( 2015): students created educational materials and some decoration objects by using waste materials and presented them to the kids aged 2 - 4 that are being grown up in Society of the Protection of Children in Adana and Campaign for Collecting Waste Battery (2014).


Všechna práva vyhrazena 2018
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